What is Comics Plus®?

Comics Plus is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga to readers, exclusively through school, public, and academic libraries. It is powered by LibraryPass™.

How Do I Access Comics Plus?

First time users will need to sign up for an account with their school or library.

  1. Find Comics Plus on your school or library’s website; visit; or, download and install the LibraryPass app for iOS or Android.
  2. Search for your library name, and enter your login credentials.
  3. Browse the collection or search for a specific title.
  4. Hover or tap on the cover of the title you want to read, and click/tap Read Now or Add to My Shelf.
  5. Read all the comics!

When is Comics Plus Available?

All titles are available 24/7 for online and offline reading. An internet connection is required to browse the collection and check out titles, while downloaded titles are accessible offline via the LibraryPass app for iOS or Android.

How Do I Find Comics to Read?

You can browse our curated lists on the homepage; by category, publisher, or age level; or use the search box to look for specific titles and keywords.

How Do I Place a Hold?

There are no holds! All titles are available for unlimited, simultaneous access, so you can read all the comics anytime you want.

Does Comics Plus’ Collection Change?

We regularly add new titles to the overall collection. Check the Just Added scrtion in your school or library’s collection to see the latest additions.

How Does Comics Plus Handle my Privacy?

We take privacy very seriously; your account information, browsing activity, and borrowing history are always private. For more information, please visit our privacy policy.

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